immigration crm
Software for immigration consultants

Taking care of all responsibilities to immigrate the candidates offshores, The Immigration CRM software is a kind of managing tool to manage the client details and their visa updates. This tool is based over cloud technologies are basically to serve the immigration and visa consultancy services. It’s amazing and interactive user interface with web portals brings the life to your immigration services. You can manage the whole documentation procedures by following up with the client details as well as tracking their financial stages too. The platform brings the agents, consultants or advisors and clients who are willing to land overseas, together.

Discover What Services We Provided

The functions of this Immigration consultants Software that makes it one of the best immigration crm software are

Enquiry Management

Enquiry Management

You can manage the lead’s information and its status. You can add leads, drop leads, document and feature all apt details so that leads can be followed convincingly.

Document Management System

Document Management System

The advisory branch to manage the document status, if they are approved or rejected in any case. Documents like medical certificate, visa applications, bank debt clearance certificate etc are more likely to be rejected, keping every record without missing anything becomes quite easier with our CRM.

Enquiry Transfer

Enquiry Transfer

The increase in the number of immigrants seeking the best consultations who can assist them with zero diversion, the Immigration CRM software minimizes the tasks related to the paperwork and documentation and enhance the work productivity

Application Management

Application Management

You can have transferred the details of the lead if it seems unresponsive or unable to handle due to many reasons, the lead can be transferred to other consultants or advisors for the safe and smooth execution of lead follow up.

Fee Packages

Fee Packages

The automated SMS and Email alerts for keeping the tracks of upcoming payments, pending fees or documents. The reminders to collect or to submit the relevant documents as it is hard to memorize the details of ‘n’ number of clients.

Application Cycle

Application Cycle

You can manage, edit or add a new package as per the requirements. Depending upon the locations you can increase, decrease the prices of packages.



We know your concern about the security of your data. Hence, our Immigration Consulting CRM software is based over Cloud technology, where there the data is stored at a cloud, if any data got corrupted from the hardware malpractice, still your data is stored at cloud as a secondary memory.



With this immigration consultants software, you can manage the applications submitted by your clients, by streamlining student onboarding, create checklists, manage workflows and communicate with external third-party agents that are needed for end-to-end process management.

Email and SMS Integration

Email and SMS Integration

With the easy application management, the applications are managed effectively as per cycle, the regular follow ups and documents checklist ensure the application’s integrity which increases the chances of getting the visa easily.

Salient features

Track your clients status

Using our Immigration consultants CRM Software, You can overview your client ’s progress report by monitoring their documents, Visa cycles and provide them absolute guidance to them, so that you shouldn’t lose any lead/clients.

No one-time big payment required

You are not needed to come up with huge and one-time big payment required to use our product. We have multiple alternatives for convenient payment gateways so that small companies can avail our products as per their needs. From bulk payments to EMI payments.

Automate your processes and be more productive

You have all the facilities to automate your routines and helps you in focussing on expanding your business conversion ratio by generating higher revenues instead of managing data, generate some business.

Ready in Minutes

Our Immigration Consulting CRM software enjoys the advantages of web-based technologies. This entrusts the surety of staying while working with our CRM.

Our easy and understandable interface makes it convenient use of our products, Immigration consultants software is platform independent and can be used from any system across the world.

No Installation - No Maintenance!

Most of the consultants are investing a huge amount of their investments into running their business by putting up with the expensive software and hardware systems for running a CRM.

With our Immigration consultants software, Immigration CRM, such costs are cut shorts as there is no installation and maintenance charges. It is used over web portals and Immigration CRM can be used to take care of everything smartly.

Ease your work, not create work

With Immigration consultants Software, Immigration CRM you can standardize as well as automate your workflow as well as processes. It will help you to communicate with others effectively and to place the reminders to be at ease and stay updated at work. This will also provide the history of clients, reports of your staff as well. It will update you with business’s true analytics without asking anyone at any time.

Improved Student Satisfaction

A customer always wants a quick and satisfied response to his queries. But with our CRM, they can overview VISA documentation procedures, the whole conversation, offer letters, PR visa applications for each client present in the software.

If a client is getting actual insights and details about their procedures by connecting you with the software, they will entrust their faith with us and you will have a strong base of satisfied and loyal clients, resulting in increase in the business conversion ratio.

Keep your Application Status always up to date

You can allow your clients to enter the CRM where he can overview his details, uploaded documents and view the status of applications so that they can build a relationship over trust with your business.

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